Top Fin Filter Not Working? Troubleshoot Causes & Quick Fix

Many aquarists believe that the top fin filter is probably the most important component of your fish tank. As much as this sounds exaggerated, it’s the truth. Most of the time, your aquarium is totally dependent on the functionality of this top fin filter.

The reason for this is that it helps to properly circulate oxygen through the tank. It also keeps the water clean, thereby preventing bacteria, toxin elements, and other harmful chemicals from settling in the tank. 

Top Fin Filter Not Working? Troubleshoot Causes, Adjustments & Quick Fix

There’s no denying how important the top fin filter is. Hence, if you wake up one morning and realize the filter isn’t working anymore, you must swing into action immediately. 

To prevent your aquarium from turning into a filthy and toxic tank for the fish, you need to have a working filter all the time. 

This post will cover the major step-by-step process you can employ to fix your top fin filter on your own if it happens to stop working all of a sudden. 

Why is my top fin filter not working?

Sometimes, you can specifically pinpoint a reason why your top fin filter stops working. Notwithstanding, here are some of the most common reasons behind a broken filter: 

Improper Plugging 

One of the first reasons your filter stops functioning the way it should is an improper plug-in, power surge, or inadequate power supply. Apparently, this is not much of a problem. It simply means your filter is not correctly plugged in or has been disconnected.

On the other hand, there could be an internal problem or power surge with the outlet you use in plugging your top fin filter. 

Clogged filter 

If you realize that your top fin filter is making a noise, it could be clogged. This happens if the filter hasn’t been cleaned for a very long time. Small particles of dirt would build up and prevent it from filtering the tank’s water properly.

Another reason your filter gets clogged is that it’s too small for your fish tank. This means you would be overworking the filter. As a result, it won’t function for a long time. 

Impeller not functioning

An impeller is a very important part of your top fin filter. Its main function is to create flow and water suction. If the impeller is broken, your filter would certainly stop working. Sometimes, the impeller could be loosened up or blocked by accumulated waste. 

Irregular water flow

Water flow is a very important factor in your water filtration system. If your filter is not producing the water flow that your tank needs to keep the fish healthy, there’s an obvious problem. The size of the fin top filter may be too small for the tank. 

How to fix a top fin filter not working

Fixing your top fin filter can be very easy if only has a minor problem. Here are some of the typical methods to fix a filter that stops working:

  • Ensuring proper power input 

Proper power supply is the first thing you should pay attention to if your filter suddenly stops working. There needs to be an uninterrupted power supply if you want your tank’s filtration system to function optimally. Hence, as soon as you realize that the filter is not working, observe your connections to see if things are tightly plugged. 

  • Regular cleaning

Sometimes, you don’t even have to wait until your top fin filter stops working. Cleaning the filter frequently helps you to perform better. Remember, one of the major functions of the filter is to clean the aquarium water by reducing toxins and bacteria. This means your filter will get dirty over time. To prevent it from getting clogged, clean it often.

  • Taking care of the impeller 

The impeller of your top fin filter must be functioning well all the time. Whenever you’re cleaning your filter, check the impeller. Wash it if it looks dirty. Sometimes, you may have to replace the impeller if it’s damaged due to long-term use. 

  •  Choose the right size

Whenever you notice that the water flow in your fish tank is slow, it’s obvious that the top fin filter is not working as it should. One of the reasons for this is that you have chosen the wrong one for your tank. That is, you’ve chosen the wrong size. The bigger the fish tank, the more quantity of water it carries. To have a well-functioning filter, you have to pick the ideal size that matches the size of your aquarium. 

How to adjust a top fin filter not working

The level of water flow you have in an aquarium is determined by the species of fish you have there. Some fish can thrive in any water flow, while some feel dizzy or face difficulty in swimming when the water flow is beyond them. You should adjust the filter according to the kind of fish you have in the tank. 

To adjust the top fin filter, you need to first open the cover of the filter box in order to see where the water gets in. At the top of the tube, you will find a round shaft. It’s usually spinnable. When you spin the cover upwards or backward, you are simply adjusting the water flow. You can determine how fast or slow you want the water to flow. 

How to replace a top fin filter not pumping water

To replace the top fin filter, the first you are supposed to do is turn it off and then unplug it. The next thing is to remove the filter’s lid and take out the cartridge. Mind you, replacing the top fin filter is the same thing as replacing the cartridge, and that’s why you’re taking it off.

Dispose of the old cartridge and place the new one after you must have rinsed it with cold water. Once you’re done, pour a reasonable amount of water into the filter. 

Should the top fin filter remain closed or opened?

The top fin filter can either be closed or opened. It’s your choice. Keeping it open enables it to filter water from different depths of the aquarium. This will make the filtration process quite efficient.

On the other hand, keeping the top fin filter closed will make it work mainly on the bottom of the fish tank. It will pull water from the lower depths of the aquarium. 

Quick summary: fixing your top fin filter

There are several reasons your top fin filter could stop working all of a sudden. But based on the piece of information this post provides, there are different solutions to fix your filter such as cleaning, taking care of the impeller, and ensuring there’s adequate power supply. The worst that can happen is replacing the top fin filter, and this rarely happens. 


Why is my fish tank filter not blowing bubbles?

This happens when the filter is clogged with dirt. Make sure you check if the filter is clean. It also occurs if the air pump is unplugged or loosened. 

Do I need help replacing my top fin filter?

You don’t need help to replace your top fin filter. As long as you follow the concise instruction provided above, you can make the replacement on your own within minutes. 

How do I know if my top fin filter is broken?

Your top fin filter is probably broken if it stops working despite being plugged correctly. It’s obvious that power isn’t the problem. You may need to replace the cartridge. 

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