Jungle val vs Italian val, What should you prefer?

Both Jungle Val and Italian Val are really attractive and very famous freshwater plants. Jungle Val is found in America, Asia, and Australia, but Italian Val is commonly located in Asia and America. Both plants need low maintenance and are beginner-friendly. The scientific name of Jungle Val is Vallisneria Americana, and the scientific name of Italian Val is Vallisneria Spiralis.

Quick comparison Table
FactorsJungle ValItalian Val
Water temperature18 to 28 degrees C16 to30 degrees C
Water PH6.0 to 9.0 PH6.5 to 8 PH
Out of waterCan’t growCan’t grow
Growth timeOne monthTwo month
Grow floatingVery hardOnly females can
Grow in sandCan growCan grow
Grow in gravelCan growCan grow
Size6 feet (2 meters)12 to 14 inches
Root feederYesYes
Safe for turtlesYesYes
Root tabsYesYes
SpreadingYes (large tanks recommended )yes
Where to findAmerica, Asia, and AustraliaAsia and America
CareVery easyEasy
Tank size29 gallon or 110 liters(Min)10 gallon or 38 liters(Min)
Water systemFreshwaterFreshwater
Brackish waterCan growCan grow

We discuss Jungle Val vs Italian Val in this article.

Jungle val vs Italian val, What should you prefer?

Water requirements (Jungle Val vs Italian val)

What water conditions do both pants need that’s what we will discuss in this section.

1. Temperature requirement

We know both animals and plants need a specific surrounding temperature to survive. Aquatic animals and plants depend on the temperature of water to live. Some plants are adapted to the low-temperature environment, and some are high-temperature. Temperature is a very crucial factor in our aquarium environment.

So we have to maintain proper water temperature for both fishes and plants in our aquarium or tank. Jungle Val requires 18 to 28 degrees Celsius (64.4 to 82.5 Fahrenheit) water temperature to grow pleasantly. But Italian Val requires 16 to 30 degrees Celsius (60.8 to 86 Fahrenheit) water temperature.

2. Water PH value difference

The nature of water is measured in ph. PH amount determines the water is acidic or alkaline. If the value is between 0 to 7, then it is acidic. Similarly, if the amount is between 7 to 14, then it is alkaline.

Water PH amount is also an important factor like water temperature in the aquarium. It varies on different aquatic plants too, and some plants are adjusted in low PH, and some are high.

to 9 PH water condition is very fit for Jungle Val, and 6.5 to 8 PH water condition is fit for Italian Val. Both are fabulous plants for tepid water.

3. Grow in brackish water

To understand what brackish water is, we have to know its form. Brackish water is slightly salty, and its salty level lies between freshwater and ocean water and it contains more saline than freshwater. Now some readers are confused about what saline is, and it is considered the saltiness of the water. Jungle Val can grow within a brackish water environment.

The acidic water is the only factor that affects the growth of this kind of plant, which prevents the development of this type of plant. The same thing happens on Italian Val, and Italian Val can also tolerate brackish water. So both plants are very amazing options for brackish water if we maintain proper water temperature.

4. Out of water

The plants and animals on earth directly or indirectly depend on water, and water is the most crucial element for preparing food for plants. Some plants survive a specific long period without having water, but they both can’t survive long times with no water aquarium.

They need enough water for their daily growth cycle. So we can’t neglect them in the aquarium without water.

Growth (Jungle Val vs Italian Val)

Growth factors of both pants that we will discuss in this section.

1. How easy is it to grow them?

Both plants are so strong compared to other aquarium plants. The good thing is, they both are easy to grow. Now the question is how easy is it? As I said before, they are very easy to grow. In other words, they need less maintenance compared to other aquarium plants.

If we compare them, Jungle Val is slightly one step further than Italian Val, as our topic is Jungle Val vs. Italian Val.

2. How fast do they grow?

Our earth is so lovely and amazing, and we see infinite diversity on our planet. Some animals and plants require a couple of months for final development, and some take a few weeks. In the case of Jungle Val, it takes one month to grow properly, but on the other hand, Italian Val takes two months for final development. The growth time of jungle Val is better compared to Italian Val.

3. Can they grow floating?

It is very hard to grow in floating for Jungle Val, and they need roots to grow. If your Jungle Val roots are very small, then they survive very hard with the bottom feeder. But Italian Val survives in floating water. Males grow on the tank’s surface, and females are floating on water, which is crazy. 

4. Can they grow in sand?

Some aquarium plants can’t grow in sand, and it is an amazing and cheap substrate that we can use in planted aquariums. But in the case of these plants, both can grow in sands, which is good. But sand is not that fabulous substrate for Jungle Val, but it is satisfactory, and I recommend using another substrate.

Choosing the right substrate is able to enhance our aquarium environment. We have an article (The cheapest substrate for planted aquariums) about choosing the right substrate.

5. Can they grow in gravel?

Just like sand, gravel is also a good substrate for both plants. Both plants have a good adaptability potential, and they can readjust to rocks, sand, or gravel very smoothly and quickly.

Other Comparisons

1. How tall can they grow?

Jungle Val can grow 6′(six feet) tall, and Italian Val can grow 12 to 14 inches tall. It is a big difference.

2. Is it a root feeder?

Yes, Jungle Val is a root feeder. Supply some weed wacker to it. It will grow faster than your think. Italian Val is also a root feeder. Employing the right substrate can boost your plants quickly.

3. Are they safe for turtles?

Toxic plants are deadly for turtles, and both plants are not toxic; hence they are safe for turtles. But I suggest you should use turtle-friendly aquarium plants for turtles.

4. Can they be trimmed?

As I discussed earlier, Jungle Val can grow to 6 feet tall. It is required to trim, and you can trim them to enhance comfortability in the aquarium ecosystem. You can trim Italian Val to any height that it will look pleasant.


In this article, we talked about Jungle Val vs Italian Val. I hope you enjoyed this read. If you read it thoroughly, I believe you have already got your answer. Both plants are pretty similar on several factors like the same water temperature and PH resistance; they can’t grow out of the water, both can grow in sand or gravel, etc. But a few differences are there like size, tank size, grow time, etc. Which plant do you like between them? Let me know in the comment below. Feel free to ask questions if you have some doubts regarding the topic.

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