Dropsy In Betta Fish: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Betta fish are popular aquarium pets, noted for their vibrant colors and intriguing behaviors. But, like any pet, betta fish can develop health issues. 

One such condition is dropsy, which is a significant illness that can be fatal if left untreated. 

Dropsy is characterized by bodily swelling, loss of appetite, and tiredness, among other symptoms. 

Dropsy In Betta Fish: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

If you have a betta fish, you should be aware of the causes and symptoms of dropsy, as well as the possible treatment methods. 

But if you aren’t aware, we are here to help you. We will go over all you need to know about betta fish and dropsy. We will go as far as revealing the vet-approved treatment for betta fish dropsy. Now without wasting much time let’s jump right in and get started. 

What Is Betta Fish Dropsy?

Dropsy is a health condition commonly found in fish. It causes Betta fish to puff up like balloons. It occurs when fluid accumulates within their bodies, causing their scales to protrude. Truth is, dropsy is not a happy condition for your Betta companions.

You know, Betta fish have tiny organs inside their body, and when these organs don’t function properly, fluid builds up. This makes the Betta look like it’s puffing up, and its scales stand out like tiny pinecones.

Dropsy can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor water quality, bacteria or viral infections, or issues with their internal systems. 

Betta fish can become Dropsy if their surroundings are not clean and cozy, the same as how people catch a cold from germs.

Causes of Dropsy in Betta Fish

Below are some of the causes of Dropsy in Betta fish;

Poor Water Quality: The water in your Betta’s tank has a significant impact on their health. If it is not clean and well-kept, it might cause stress and ailments such as Dropsy.

Bacterial Infections: Bacteria can cause problems in the fish tank. Infections caused by dangerous bacteria can upset a Betta fish’s internal equilibrium, resulting in the development of dropsy.

Parasites: Unwanted guests like parasites can infect your Betta’s body, wreaking havoc within. Parasitic infections are one of the causes of Dropsy in Betta fish.

Dietary Concerns: Betta fish, like people, require a balanced diet. If their meals are deficient in vital nutrients, it can weaken their immune system, making them more vulnerable to Dropsy.

Genetic Predisposition: Some Betta fish may be more susceptible to developing Dropsy due to their genetic makeup. 

Symptoms of Dropsy in Betta Fish

There are early symptoms and advanced symptoms of dropsy in betta fish and we will discuss these two symptoms in this section so keep scrolling.

Early Symptoms of Dropsy in Betta Fish.

Below are the early symptoms of Dropsy in Betta fish;

Swelling: If your Betta fish begins to seem puffy, particularly around the abdomen, it is a clue that something is not right. Swelling is one of the first signs that Dropsy may be approaching the fish tank.

Protruding Scales: Keep a watch on your Betta’s scales. If they start poking out like tiny thorns, it’s an indication that things aren’t going so well. Protruding scales are like early warning signs that advise you to pay attention.

Decreased Activity: If your normally active Betta fish suddenly appears less interested in swimming and exploring, it could be a sign of problems. Decreased activity could be a sign of Dropsy.

Loss of Appetite: if your betta is skipping meals, it’s important to pay attention and dig further. Loss of appetite is another early symptom of Dropsy.

Lethargy: When a Betta gets lethargic and spends more time resting than usual, it is a strong indication that they are experiencing health issues which could be dropsy.

Advanced Symptoms of Dropsy in Betta Fish

Extreme Swelling: In the advanced stages, the swelling becomes more noticeable, and your Betta may resemble a balloon about to float away. The increasing edema suggests that the Dropsy has progressed and that immediate care is required.

Difficulty Swimming: As Dropsy progresses, your Betta companion may struggle to swim properly. Their motions become laborious, and they may appear unbalanced. Swimming may become increasingly difficult, indicating that the situation has worsened.

Bulging Eyes: Advanced Dropsy can make the eyes bulge out. This is not only visually disturbing, but it also suggests that the internal organs are severely stressed. Bulging eyes are a significant symptom that cannot be disregarded.

Inflamed Gills: Keep an eye out for changes in the gills. If they appear red or swollen, it indicates that Dropsy has progressed to the advanced stage. Inflamed gills might impair your Betta’s ability to breathe properly, increasing their overall distress.

Sudden Color Changes: The brilliant colors of a Betta fish might reveal information about their health. If you see any rapid changes, such as a loss of color or strange discoloration, it indicates that Dropsy is harming their overall health on a severe level.

Pine Cone Scales: In an advanced stage of Dropsy, your Betta’s scales protrude, resembling a pinecone. This condition occurs as a result of underlying swelling, which causes scales to develop a thorn-like protrusion. The armor-like appearance is a clear indicator of the condition’s advancement.

Now you’ve known a lot about Betta fish and Dropsy including the causes and symptoms but wait, how do you treat it? Is there a dropsy cure for better fish? 

Luckily for you, all these questions will be answered in the next section so keep scrolling.

Tips For Betta Fish Dropsy Treatment 

If you have been wondering how to treat dropsy in your betta fish then this section is for you. Below are tips for Betta fish dropsy treatment you can make use of: 

Salt Baths

A calming aquarium salt bath might be quite beneficial to a Betta with Dropsy. It reduces edema and stimulates the removal of excess fluids, offering relief during the recovery process. 

To increase the salinity of the tank, add 1/2 teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water. 

Temperature and oxygenation

Adjusting the water temperature gives the ideal environment for Betta’s rehabilitation. High temperatures speed up metabolic activities, aiding in the healing process. 

You can add an aquarium heater to your tank to keep the water temperature at 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

Adequate oxygenation, accomplished by efficient aeration, ensures that the fish can breathe easily during the convalescent phase.


If you have a tank with numerous fish, isolating the Betta with Dropsy can help prevent the sickness from spreading. It also enables more concentrated therapy and monitoring.

Proper Nutrition

A well-balanced and nutritious diet is critical to a Betta’s rehabilitation. Vet-approved fish diets with extra vitamins and minerals improve their overall health and resilience to Dropsy.

Dropsy Cure for Betta Fish [Vet Approved]

Below are vet-approved steps you can utilize to treat dropsy in your  Betta fish;

  • The first thing to do is to set up a quarantine tank.
  • The second step is to change about 25% of the water in the tank. 
  • Test the water parameters with a quality water testing kit and take any required procedures to get them back into the ideal range of 76 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Note: Make sure the water level is lower than it should be to enable you to get enough oxygen. You can add a pump for better oxygenation.

Next, add aquarium salt at a rate of 0.5 tablespoons per gallon. This will minimize swelling and help flush out toxins.

  • The fourth step is to give the fish antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian.

Note: It is critical to follow the veterinarian’s recommendations for dosage and treatment duration. In some cases, the veterinarian may offer drugs other than antibiotics, such as anti-inflammatories or diuretics.

  • The fifth step is to provide the fish with a high-quality meal. This is significant because a healthy fish has a better chance of resisting illness and recovering from dropsy.
  • The final stage is to keep an eye on your fish and track its progress. If the fish does not respond to treatment or if the disease worsens, it is critical to call a veterinarian for further instructions. 

This could entail altering the treatment plan or conducting additional tests to discover the cause of the dropsy. 

Note: Dropsy is a dangerous disorder, so early detection and treatment are critical for a positive outcome.

Now you have treated your betta fish but how do you prevent the condition from reoccurring? Keep scrolling to find out in the next section.

Ways to Prevent Dropsy in Betta Fish

In this section, we will discuss ways you can prevent Dropsy from reoccurring. Below are 5 effective ways:

Regular Tank Maintenance

Keeping your betta fish tank clean is a proactive move. Regular water changes, debris removal, and effective filtration all help to create a healthy environment.

Balanced meal

Feeding your Betta a nutritious and well-balanced meal is similar to giving them a daily vitamin supplement for strength. Ensure they obtain enough nourishment to keep their immune system in good shape.

Quarantine New Fish

Before adding new fish to the tank, it’s best to quarantine them first. This keeps potential infections from entering the main tank and infecting your Betta fish.

Monitor Water Parameters

Check and maintain appropriate water parameters regularly, such as pH and ammonia levels. Consistent monitoring ensures a steady and comfortable environment for your Betta companions.

Stress Reduction

Like people, Betta fish can get stressed out. Providing hiding spaces, maintaining a tranquil tank environment, and minimizing interruptions all assist in reducing stress and lowering the occurrence of dropsy.

When is it too late for Betta fish dropsy treatment?

The tricky part is figuring out when Dropsy is too late to treat in betta fish.

Now, if you have a cut, and you don’t treat it, it can become worse, right? Obviously yes. The same goes for Betta fish and Dropsy. 

If you find your Betta looking like a small balloon, you must act quickly. Waiting too long could make it difficult to help them feel better. 

So, the moment you notice the symptoms of Dropsy, a puffed-up body with scales jutting out like spikes. It’s time to take action. Don’t wait till your Betta resembles a floating balloon before you think of its treatment.

How Long Does It Take Betta Fish to Recover from Dropsy?

Betta fish, like humans, require some time to recover from Dropsy. The recuperation period varies from fish to fish. 

It all depends on how quickly you recognize the dropsy in your betta fish and begin helping them. If you catch Dropsy early, your Betta companion will be able to recover more quickly.

On average, it may take a few weeks for a Betta fish to regain their normal, cheerful appearance. It is critical to remain patient and adhere to the treatment plan.

Is Dropsy Contagious to Other Fish?

Dropsy is not the same as a contagious bug that can easily spread from one fish to another. 

It’s more of a fish health issue that can occur for a variety of causes, including poor water quality or fish illnesses.

However, while dropsy itself is not communicable, the causes can be. If one fish in your tank becomes ill as a result of contaminated water, the other fish may become ill as well if the water remains contaminated. 

As a result, you must monitor water quality and ensure that your betta fish has a clean and comfortable environment.

Read Also: Muppy fish! Molly and Guppy hybrid? (Explained)


Obviously, you have learned a lot about Betta fish and dropsy. Be mindful of the signs and symptoms of dropsy in betta fish. 

If your fish develops any of the symptoms listed in this article, take action straight away. Early detection and treatment are critical for effective outcomes. 

Remember, prevention is the most effective method to keep your fish healthy. Following the prescribed care instructions for betta fish in preventing the risk of dropsy and other health issues. With appropriate care, your betta fish will have a long and healthy life.


Can a fish with dropsy be saved?

Yes. A fish with Dropsy can be treated with medication. The trick is to identify it early and take action. If your betta contacts Dropsy, intervene quickly. Clean water, fish medicines, and delicate loving care can all help them feel better. 

How do you treat dropsy on a Betta fish?

Betta fish dropsy treatment is similar to giving them a fish spa day you know. You begin by ensuring that their home is spotless and comfortable. You can also use special fish medicines but be sure to follow the directions properly. 

What are the best fish antibiotics for Dropsy?

When it comes to betta fish medicines, particular fish treatments can help with Dropsy and they include Kanamycin Sulfate, Amoxicillin, Erythromycin & Maracyn II.

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